Why Stickers are Significant to Your Small Bakery Business

Last modified on: 6/29/23, 10:34am

Starting a small bakery business is no easy job. It’s more than just baking savoury goods.

It takes a brilliant marketing strategy to attract potential customers and grow your business revenue. 

Say you already have delicate goods displayed in your store. But only a few customers buy your product.

There is nothing wrong with your baked goods. But have you tried different marketing approaches to attract more potential customers?

Did you know that print marketing materials like custom stickers could help you get the message out there and bring in new customers?

Sometimes a little tweak in your branding and packaging is enough to allure customers to buy from you.

Stickers are a classic social media existed since the 19th century and are one of the most powerful marketing tools today.

In this article, you will learn the significance of stickers and how effective it is when you use them as part of your promotional tool.

Helps Build Brand Identity

As a start-up in the bakery business, building brand identity is a crucial part. One of the most important things is to raise brand awareness among your customers. How? Employ branded stickers in some areas of your bakery business.

This includes employing logo stickers in your product packaging and labelling. You could also apply custom decals as store signage, bakery store hours, or if you are announcing a special promo. It’s a cheap way of promoting your products that could generate revenue.

Improves Product Packaging & Labelling

You could gain more potential customers with a simple tweak of your packaging and labelling. How? Customise your bakery box and add a personal touch by incorporating logo stickers

It makes your brand easy to recognise if you have unique branding. Plus, personalising your packaging eliminates dullness and adds appeal visually. It leaves a positive first impression and encourages them to buy your baked goods.

Effective Promotional Tools

The flexibility of stickers makes them efficient to use in your marketing campaigns. It is like a portable billboard and helps promote your business and raises brand awareness. 

Shows Good Quality Products

How you design your stickers and what materials you use always reflect on your brand image. Do you want to be perceived by your customers as professional and authentic in this business? Be consistent in your marketing approach.

Customised packaging with sturdy materials ensures the customers that their baked goods will contain freshness upon arriving at the destination. Thus, it showcases good quality products packed in a contemporary manner.

Builds Connection and Trust

A sticker can spice up your bakery box and provides information. If customers are more accustomed to seeing your logo, it is easier for them to recall your brand. 

They will recommend your business to their family and friends if they find your brand trustworthy.

Final Thoughts

You can always explore different marketing approaches until you find out what works better for your business. But personalised stickers will never go out of style despite being in the digital era. It is proven and tested to help promote your business.

Published by NZ Sticker Printing

NZ Sticker Printing is a blog that provides excellent quality content about the importance of custom stickers on your personal crafts or business needs. Hence, we aim to share guides or tutorials that would benefit our readers. Lastly, we provide recommendations for your go-to sticker printing companies in New Zealand.

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