How Kraft Paper Stickers Elevate Your Sustainable Product Image

An image of a product is essential because it can draw customers in or away.

You would not want that to happen, would you?

Say your brand vision is to sell products that don’t harm the environment, especially the material you use.

You must be upfront in relaying this message through the message, design, and other details you incorporate in the packaging label.

According to PR Newswire, 71% of consumers always choose products with sustainable packaging.

You have a higher chance of making a profit depending on your business niche.

Custom kraft paper stickers are one of the best tools to convey sustainability.

Let us dive further below:

Complement Natural Aesthetics

Custom kraft paper stickers have a natural, rustic, and brownish appearance. When plastering to your product packaging, they complement the natural aesthetics of your brand. It also conveys a sense of simplicity and authenticity.

Having this tool as part of your branding aligns with the values of sustainability. It also suggests a minimalistic approach to packaging that enhances the overall appearance.

Char Cutie square kraft stickers

Add Attraction to the Products

Aiming for a product that showcases eco-friendliness will surely attract eco-conscious consumers. Adding custom stickers made of paper kraft materials is one of the best ways to elevate the appearance. Stickers are helpful whether you use them for personal or business purposes.

aspen and fern kraft stickers
Photo by: Aspen & Fern

This printed tool is perfect for labelling DIY craft projects, bakery goods, and handicraft items, or use it as freebies and giveaways. Stickers can convey the message, especially when you are advocating sustainability. The appearance itself screams for rustic, organic, and environment-friendly.

Positive Consumer Perception

Knowing your potential customers is crucial. It helps you position the product to the right audience. This is especially true if your product embodies sustainability and is environmentally friendly.

Using kraft paper stickers can relay messages to consumers looking for sustainable products. It shows your brand is eco-conscious and socially responsible. This can help you attract more potential customers who prioritise sustainability when purchasing.

Simple Living kraft paper stickers

Customisable and Versatile

What vision do you want to bring to life? Or what emotions do you want the customers to feel when  interacting with your brand? Design stickers using online design software or customise available templates to bring your ideas to life.

Incorporate sustainable images, eco-friendly symbols, branding design elements, and other details. See that all incorporated elements advocate for a clean and green environment. Kraft paper stickers are applicable for labelling, branding and effective marketing campaigns.

Effective Tool For Storytelling

Brand storytelling helps build a solid foundation and let the customers know why you are doing what you are doing. You can use stickers to visualise that story that evokes emotions. Make it genuine and authentic so that the customers relate.

Use an image that reflects your vision. Ensure the texts are readable and concise since stickers are small. Use visual hierarchy to arrange the most crucial details to the least one.

Las calaveras kraft paper stickers

Final Thoughts

Stickers have been around for ages and are still relevant in brand strategy and planning. Use this tool to your product’s advantage. Ensure you use sustainable materials, especially the packaging, aside from the labelling tool. There are various ways to elevate your branding image and sustainable products. The tips mentioned above are some of the vital details of how stickers can convey the message.

Published by NZ Sticker Printing

NZ Sticker Printing is a blog that provides excellent quality content about the importance of custom stickers on your personal crafts or business needs. Hence, we aim to share guides or tutorials that would benefit our readers. Lastly, we provide recommendations for your go-to sticker printing companies in New Zealand.

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